Review: LEGO’s latest Star Wars helmets are a mixed bag ranging from must-haves to misses

Marking for the latest additions to the Star Wars buildable helmet series, the LEGO Group dropped three new builds earlier in the month to recreate the likeness of iconic characters both new and old. Now after getting our hands on the sets and stacking up the nearly 2,000 combined bricks, we’re seeing which ones are worth your cash and which should just be passed over.

Having first launched back in 2020, the LEGO Group expanded its lineup of Star Wars sets into a new territory at the time of more affordable adult-focused kits. Now into its third year, we’ve seen five different builds enter the series since the debut, with March bringing another three into the mix.

Arriving as the most diverse lineup from the LEGO Star Wars helmet series, the three latest additions deliver quite a few firsts for the theme; most notably is the brick-built portrayal of the very first characters that aren’t from the Original Trilogy. Both the Mandalorian and Dark Trooper helmets hair from the Disney+ side of the canon and mix up what we’ve come to expect from past releases. Then there’s also the first kit featuring a helmet from the Rebel Alliance thanks to the X-Wing Pilot kit.

LEGO Star Wars helmets

This time around, each of the builds enter at the same $59.99 price point, though it’s worth pointing out that not all of them are created equality. All three of the LEGO Star Wars helmets enter at different part counts. But how does that play into the quality of the finished model? We’re taking a closer look.

First things first – we have to start with the Original Trilogy and take a look at what the Luke Rebel X-Wing Pilot Helmet brings to the table. Clocking in at 675 pieces, this build is the second-largest of the 2022 series helmets and backs that part count with a number of all-new printed bricks.

On top of being the only good guy Star Wars helmet so far, the Red Five set also stands out as being the first open-face helmet in the collection. All of the other kits from the lineup assemble designs that are your traditional helmets, while the X-Wing Pilot style leaves the wearer’s face exposed. Trying to implement that design in LEGO has made the set one of the more unique builds in the Star Wars lineup, but it’s one of the reasons I am such a big fan.

Everything from the transparent orange visor to the Red Five and Rebel markings on the back of the helmet are hard to beat and really deliver on the source material. Even if there are some stickers used to round out the build, the new printed elements leave little up to the imagination and mean the X-Wing Pilot Helmet is one of the most detailed and accurate of the Star Wars sets.

Buy the LEGO Like Skywalker X-Wing Pilot Helmet now

Now onto The Mandalorian, of which the series’ star character is next up on our radar. As just the latest recreation of Mando, this set stacks up to 584 pieces and clocks in as the smallest of the bunch this time for 2022. Don’t be fooled, though – its smaller part count is made up for with some chromed silver accenting that really does a solid job of recreating the Beskar look. It isn’t perfect and could be more like the almost-flawless Infinity Gauntlet from last year, but it really does a good job at merging the typical grey bricks with some flashy silver flair.

It’s also worth noting that the build is also quite a bit different than the Boba Fett version we saw back in 2020. Of course the colors are different, but the actual build varies a bit, too, for those who might be concerned about effectively assembling the same set twice. Otherwise, the smaller part count really makes for a more simplistic build. That’s not a diss either! I am a big fan of how the final product looks, even if the entire build isn’t covered in chrome.

Buy the LEGO Mandalorian Helmet now

Last up, we have the Dark Trooper. Unlike the other build out of The Mandalorian, this one is the largest of the 2022 LEGO Star Wars helmet series, thanks to its 693 pieces. Comprised of almost entirely black bricks, this is the most complicated of all the kits in the lineup this time around and the building process really reflects that. There are tons of interesting techniques to pull of the robotic vibes of the Dark Trooper, which LEGO did an already job at.

Everything from the eyes and down looks pretty stellar in my opinion, but the build on the top really falls flat from the detailed design that makes up the Vader-like mouth piece.

Buy the LEGO Dark Trooper Helmet now

gadgetnewsonline’ Take

The biggest takeaway with the new LEGO Star Wars helmets for 2022 is that not all of the sets are created equally, even if the price tags are. Spending $60 on a set this time around leaves you a with a wide range of outcomes, of which I think there are some easy highlights and builds to stay clear of.

In my book, the Luke X-Wing Pilot Helmet is easily the star of the show for 2022, though Mando isn’t too far behind. Both are certainly worth getting, but I would have to say that the Red Five recreation is the top pick if you’re only looking to score a single one. The level of detail and neat inclusions are hard to beat and really makes this an easy recommendation.

On the other hand, there’s the Dark Trooper. If there was ever any proof that part count isn’t everything, this set would have to be a shining example. Sure, it’s has the most bricks of the theme, but falls short of delivering the same quality that the other two LEGO Star Wars helmets delivered. The Dark Trooper is going

All said and done, I really appreciate the approach that the LEGO Group took this time around for the new Star Wars helmets. Even if they aren’t all perfect, getting some builds that aren’t just different Imperial Stormtrooper variants is pretty refreshing and hopefully means we’ll see more unique inclusions from future updates to the series.

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