LEGO Snowtrooper Battle Pack review: Army building at its finest

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Hoth has been a big focus of the LEGO Star Wars lineup as of late, and now going into 2022 we’re getting a Snowtrooper Battle Pack to complement all of those creations. As the first of these army builders in nearly two years with an increased price tag attached, is it worth picking up even one of these sets, let alone a collection? We take a closer look at the new LEGO Snowtrooper Battle Pack down below to see for ourselves.

Hands-on with the LEGO Snowtrooper Battle Pack

After taking a hands-on look at the new Hoth AT-ST, we’re back today with the second installment of our LEGO Star Wars 2022 reviews. This time around, we’re diving into the new LEGO Snowtrooper Battle Pack, which delivers the first true army builder set for the first time since the beginning of 2020. Though that wait has come with a price hike up to the $19.99 price point.

Stacking up to 105 pieces, the latest battle pack includes exactly what you’d get from its Snowtrooper name; a series of LEGO builds associated with Hoth and The Empire Strikes Back. As a staple in any battle pack, there are four minifigures which we’ll dive into here shortly as well as three main models to assemble.

LEGO Snowtrooper Battle Pack star wars 2022

The most notable of these brick-built creations is an included speeder bike. This model is much more intricate than the smaller size and part count would presume, and is nearly identical to the ones that are included in the $800 UCS AT-AT. It’s about as accurate as we’ve seen from a LEGO speeder bike, and is quite the notable little build.

To really set the scene of Hoth, the LEGO Snowtrooper Battle Pack also includes a snow bank fit for the terrain of the icy planet. This build is much more simplistic, relying on larger bricks to achieve a pretty decent recreation of a snow trench. There’s room to stick minifigures in if the play side of things is important to you,

And to complete the build, you’ll also find an E-Web blaster. While this one is almost identical to the other versions we’ve received recently, there is one notable adjustment for its latest inclusion. This time around, there’s the all-new stud shooter on the top, which refreshes the design we’ve had for the past several years. There’s nothing fundamentally different with the new stud shooters, as it’ll still let you fire the red studs included.

Battle Packs are all about the minifigures

Like any other battle pack, the new LEGO Snowtrooper version is all about the minifigures. In this case, the stars of the show are three standard Imperial troopers for Hoth. Each of these are the same as we’ve received in other sets, which is to say pretty flawless figures and the best versions yet from the LEGO Group. All three have different heads, which is also a nice touch for a little bit of variety.

As the fourth and final minifigure, you’re also getting an all-new and exclusive Hoth Scout Trooper. This figure comes to us from some of the expanded Star Wars lore, and is really a nice inclusion for the set even if there wasn’t an on-screen appearance. It’s nice to get some new Imperial trooper variants, and having a few of these in your collection is quite all right in my book. All in all, a pretty impressive roster of minifigures for the LEGO Snowtrooper Battle Pack.

Army building at its finest

Another big strength of the LEGO Snowtrooper Battle Pack, alongside the rest of the 2022 Star Wars lineup, is that it all ties into the larger Hoth theme. Pairing quite nicely with the AT-ST we just reviewed, let alone the UCS AT-AT, filling out the other recent builds with some more troopers is going to be quite appealing for many builders young and old.

So whether you’re like me and planning on picking up enough to fill all 40 seats on the AT-AT or just want a few more Snowtroopers lying around, the LEGO Group is giving builders what we want with a classic battle pack.

It’s also quite nice that the Hoth terrain is also generic enough that you can combine a few of them together to build a larger bunker or trench scene. Even without rebuilding the sections, they can be arranged to pull off some fun little dioramas. I always love when the LEGO Group executes things like this, and the final result here is pretty neat. Check out some of the layouts I put together right after building three of the LEGO Snowtrooper Battle Packs.

Hiked up price

On the flip side, there is one really big downside here compared to past battle packs. Normally you’d expect to pay $15 for any of the classic Star Wars army builders, but for 2022, the LEGO Group is making that a thing of the past. Bumping that MSRP up to $19.99, these kits are now priced to fit in better amongst the Microfighters and Accessory Packs.

gadgetnewsonline’ Take:

At the end of the day, the verdict on the LEGO Snowtrooper Battle Pack is simple. If you’re looking for an army builder to expand your brick-built Imperial garrison, this is an easy recommendation. Even with the price tag being increased from previous sets of this nature, I am still inclined to find plenty of value in the build.

The minifigures themselves are great alone, with the builds this time around being not half bad themselves. I think my plans on using these battle packs to army build really speaks for itself on the minifig front. Though the one thing that I really do appreciate this time around is that the builds are actually useful on a large scale. Instead of having a bunch of bricks like the 501st Clone Trooper set last year, amassing a bunch of snow bank pieces can go a long way towards building a Hoth diorama or something of the sorts.

Pricing aside, my biggest disappointment is that there isn’t a true Rebel counterpart to oppose the Imperial forces here. Even with the now-delayed Rebel Accessory Pack, it would have gone a long way to have a full battle pack to go against the snowtroopers. Even so,

Buy the the LEGO Snowtrooper Battle Pack at Amazon or LEGO

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