Sony has now launched an internal production branch to focus on PlayStation TV shows and movies. The new PlayStation Productions has been put together to create original content in the form of film and TV shows based on its more than 100 gaming properties. While it’s hard to say whether or not Sony can lift the dreaded games to movies curse the industry has been plagued with for years, keeping things internal sounds like a good start. All the details are down below.
PlayStation TV Shows and Movies:
By the sounds of it the company’s larger Sony Studios arm will lend a hand when it comes to distribution, but production responsibilities will rest solely on the newly formed PlayStation TV shows and movies division. In a recent interview with the Hollywood Reporter, SIE chairman of Worldwide Studios Shawn Layden said production has already begun.
But Can They Get it Right?
Layden went on to say that this will give the company a chance to right some of the wrongs game adaptions have suffered from over the years. We just recently saw what we can only imagine is an exorbitant budget completely butcher Sonic the Hedgehog (although changes are in the works) and the verdict is still out on the upcoming Mortal Kombat film. Citing a lack of understanding regarding the source material, Layden said filmmakers just simply haven’t been able to take virtual gaming characters/IPs to the big screen with any notable success. Sony will be following the Marvel formula moving forward and has already consulted with Marvel Studio boss, Kevin Fiege, on its upcoming PlayStation TV shows and movies.
gadgetnewsonline’ Take:
As Netflix takes its hit TV shows to gaming consoles everywhere, Sony is looking to get in on the action. While it seems unlikely Sony will be able to produce top notch quality content right from the get-go without an already established infrastructure, it does have Sony Studios to lean on. Clearly the company has some serious financial backing, but it’s hard to say if it will be able to tap into both above and below the line talent the way someone like Netflix can these days. Other gaming studios do produce alternative media content, but none of them do it completely in-house the way Sony is with its new PlayStation TV shows and movies. Nonetheless, here’s to hoping this is the start of a long line of excellent gaming tie-in TV shows and films. Because, while there has been a few gems over the years, it has been a long time coming.
There have been no details on what exactly is in production already. But with over 100 original game properties and a countless number of beloved characters, Sony has more than enough opportunity to reverse the game adaption curse for good.
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