Netflix has now dropped a brand new trailer for the upcoming Stranger Things 3 game. The footage gives us a good look at the hit TV show turned video game along with some of the co-op elements of the experience. Head below for more details on the gameplay, its connection with the show and much more.
Upcoming Stranger Things 3 Game:
The new Stranger Things 3 game is directly tied to season 3 of Netflix’s retro hit. You’ll find all of the familiar faces – on top of some new characters debuting next season – in the form of your typical isometric adventure game. In many ways, it is designed to act as a sort of play along companion to the show itself while offering fans a way to extend the experience after binging season 3.
This is a 16-bit couch co-op adventure game. There is no online multiplayer by the sounds of it but you can play the game solo if you choose. There are more than 12 playable characters ranging from old friends to brand new cast members. Each of which appear to take on particular roles in the story with various abilities to tackle exploration, combat and puzzles.
Developed and published by BonusXP in collaboration with Netflix, Stranger Things 3: The Game is the official companion game to Season 3 of the hit original series. This adventure game blends a distinctively retro 16-bit art style with modern gameplay mechanics to deliver nostalgic fun with a fresh new twist. Fans will be able to experience their favorite show through a mix of exploration, puzzles, and combat.
More Details and Locations:
The first trailer for the new Stranger Things 3 game looks as though it follows very closely to the show’s official trailer as well. It also gives us a good look at several 16-bit versions of locations from season 3 including a field, various interior house sets, an outdoor pool, Starcourt Mall, the General Store and more. However, reports suggest that while the game will follow very closely with the show in terms of plot, there will be new mysteries to uncover.
The Stranger Things 3 game is set to release on the same day as season three hits Netflix: July 4th. It will appear on Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, Mac and Windows. there will also be what sounds like a trimmed down mobile version as well.
gadgetnewsonline’ Take:
There’s something quite charming about seeing one of your favorite TV shows rendered in glorious 16-bit graphics. While personally I would have preferred an entirely new adventure from that of the show’s plot, this will surely be fun for hardcore fans. Early hands-on impressions of the game suggest it is quite basic and simple. However, as some have suggested, that might actually be a good thing in terms of being a companion app to the show itself. But it’s hard to think of this thing as being a proper video game rather than some elaborate marketing campaign. Hopefully the additional mysteries and content in the Stranger Things 3 game is substantial enough to keep it interesting well after fans have ripped through the show, but only time will tell there.
In the meantime, keep a close eye on our Games/Apps Guide for all the best deals, gameplay footage trailer, new products and more.
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